To meet the demands of the 21st century School and increase teaching effectiveness, educational leaders must constantly improve on and increase their leadership skills. School wide pedagogy and student improvement relies heavily on the quality of leadership and supervision provided by the leaders. Most of the changes and improvements schools need are facilitated and led by effective leaders in a professional learning environment. We have thus created the most effective platform for educational leaders to learn and grow.
Courses include:
Retooling Schooling
The schools of the 21st MUST be different from yesteryears and only the quality of leadership within our schools can pioneer this. However most school leaders need massive support to pull this off and this is where our training on completely restructuring schooling for the 21st century becomes a major priority for school leaders. Attending this course positions the school for relevance in a changing and dynamic academic world.
Effective supervision and evaluation
Effective teaching begins with effective co-planning session and further propelled with routine class observation and feedback that facilitates effective teaching. To achieve this feat, we provide a robust template driven practice for school leaders as they plunge into the depth of improving pedagogy in school.
Professional learning Communities
Schools thrive when it functions as a professional learning community. Students improve and academic performance soars once a school internalizes the concept of learning communities. Getting this done isn’t a game but a deliberate approach that requires highly trained leaders and our training meets this challenge head on. With the best ideas on PLC, we empower the leader’s capacity and follow through with on-site implementation.
Data driven leadership
Continuous assessment, examinations and all evaluative tools within the school are data gathering sources that leaders need to analyze and utilize improve student learning. Leading data driven schools makes closing learning gaps and raising achievement possible. This course provides the tools for effective data gathering and analysis of data with a focus on helping school leaders effectively lead data processes and use them to improve student learning.